At Roam, we were frustrated with the hotel booking process. Spending hours each evening before a trip trying to find the best hotel for specific needs. Each booking and discovery site seemed lacking in a way to find specialized results. Roam was made to let you set your hotel preferences, with each of your trip types, you get tailored results for all your trips. Roam also lets you save hotels to lists as you explore so you can return later when you are ready to make a choice.
By structuring our hotel data on services and amenities, we can provide you with exactly what you want. Instead of finding something that looks okay, then searching a few sites for a specific detail you may need, it is all in one place. Our results are tailored to you from the start, preventing a long, overwhelming list of results that is difficult to navigate and remember what you have looked at and what you have liked. You can save trip types, and save hotels to trips until you are ready to make your choice.
As for price, we present you with deals available online so you can choose who you book through, do you have rewards with a hotel chain - you can book through them, have a gift card for a hotel booking site - use them. We put the control in your hands to find the best hotel, with great recommendations, like your friend who travels everywhere.
After spending countless nights trying to find a hotel, getting frustrated, picking something, and being disappointed, it was clear there had to be another way. Roam did a case study of Hawaiian hotel reviews and issues became clear. Though user-driven reviews are insightful, they vary, everyone has their own opinions. Those who have had a bad time are more likely to feel the need to express their bad time. Amenities that included are often limited to a few standard choices and to really dig into details you had to read a description, which was not available to your searches. We want to pull that data out and let you search for it.
Looking at that set of Hawaiian hotel data we found that we had to narrow down a lot of data to find a small number of contradictory results. Roam wants to make sure you don't need to do this, we will do it for you.
Want to know more about the Hawaii data? Select below to view the infographic of what Roam found.