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What is accessibility for the web?

Web accessibility is simply, creating websites that are accessible and usable by the widest amount of people. This means someone who cannot see can easily interact with a website through a screen reader. Someone with color vision issues does not have difficulty with color contrast. A person who more comfortably uses a keyboard to navigate a website can. An older person that has difficulty understanding websites finds something clearly laid out. There are so many more people, even those that may not have a disability, that can benefit by making changes to how websites are designed and coded.

This website aims to guide individuals in creating and advocating more accessible websites, to benefit the most amount of people possible.

Who is responsible for accessible websites?

Those who create websites, be designers or developers should be knowledgeable of accessibility and apply it to all projects, advocating for it's addition in the cases when accessibility is not included in the process. Businesses with websites should ensure that their websites are accessible, this way the can ensure that all customers and users can easily access the website.

Why accessibility is important.

In the past, web accessibility has often been something that was pushed aside because it was assumed that not enough people need accessible websites, this however is not the case. As the internet becomes more prevalent as a means to find information and conduct business, more people are using it. Furthermore, as a society we need to become more inclusive, and allowing those who have a disadvantage to accessing the internet a better chance is a step towards better inclusion.