I was asked to design a logo for a gallery space to showcase artwork created by adults with intellectual disabilities. Working with the art director of the program, we discussed the artists needs to be seen, in a welcoming environment, that the name of the gallery should be understood based on the image for those who can't read. Other thoughts on this design include wanting a "non-natural" eye color so to not preference on ethnicity, and lower case letters as the art director had noted individuals seemed more comfortable reading and writing in lower case.
This logo is my take on a new Sheridan Neighborhood Association logo, a neighborhood in Northeast Minneapolis. Being a Northeast resident, I was excited to capture my enthusiasm for the area in a logo. The community is known for good restaurants and breweries, and when biking around in the evenings, my favorite spot to stop is along the Mississippi where a large metal ball-shaped sculpture is. The sculpture is made up of smaller circle pieces. That moment on the river is what I wanted to embody. Though ultimately not chosen, I am glad I made this to express what the area means to me.
Instagram highlight covers for my personal Instagram profile.
Working at a nonprofit that supports individuals with disabilities, most of the people I work with are direct support professionals. One week in September is their week to have their work and dedication acknowledged. The company I work for asked me to create some signage and banners of emails. The star in the logo has become a recurring theme during DSP weeks, honoring their hard work day in and out.
One way the star imagery for DSP Week was used was for a donut breakfast that occurred with the stars becoming sprinkles.
Invitation for a retirement party featuring the individual's guiding quote of their career.
Invite for a company holiday party occurring in a bowling alley. Was tasked to make sure it wasn't specific to one holiday but still festive.