Northeast - Central Ave

Want beer? Good food? More beer? A freshly remodeled coop? Beer from the only brewery coop in Minneapolis? Records? Beer from some of the most noteworthy brewers in the city? Tacos? Did we mention beer? Northeast is a hub for beer, but it is more than that, and it’s a pretty great place even when it’s not Art-a-Whirl.

About Northeast

Northeast Minneapolis is an area enjoying quite the revitalization. Historically a working class residential neighboorhood, there are many pockets of cute old homes, now occupied with varying types of people. The biggest products of Northeast is art and beer. Art-a-whirl is of course it's biggest arts weekend, where the numerous studio spaces open their doors for people to explore. This has no spilled over to the breweries of the area, hosting music, artists, and crafters. Now, there is so much more to Northeast than art-a-whirl, but the feeling of that event is felt throughout the year, at all different places.


The Northeast Spyhouse is not the first, and not the most recent, but it is my favorite, even since before I lived within a mile of it. There is something so open about the space. The hints of old industry in the building it occupies, and in the height of the ceiling. The charm of all the found objects of the past, including the pyrex coffee pot that sits with the cream and sugar that I eye every morning I go. Though I enjoy the place so much, I will say I avoid it at times. Go early during the week, I am there before 7:30 and there is never more than 3 people infront of me. On the weekends however, the line can be out the door, and though the perfect day to sit and enjoy the space, it is near imposible to do so.


Startig in LA, Spitz has come to Northeast, and though it does have a hint of some of the old charm of Northeast leaving, I can't say no to fries covered in goodness. A place to get sangrias and Mediterranean street food, it has become my new comfort food place. You will be full, but you will be happy. Do not skip the street fries, and do get both sweet potato fries and regualar.

Fair State

Fair State Cooparative Brewery is very unique in that it is a cooparative organization. The beers are often sours, and they are done right. I am a memeber of Fair State so I might have some bias, but a brewery a block from my house, that I can be a member of is just wonderful. A great part of it too is that it is surronded by places to grab dinner, nothing like a dinner sitting a brewery. Some highlights for food include Holy Land, El Taco Riendo, and Sen Yai Sen Lek. Pro tip, go to the newly renovated Eastside Coop (I'm also a member) for some grab in go or hot bar food and head to the brewery. The patio outback really feels like you are in a residential neighboorhood as it is sandwitched around backyards, and don't miss their oktoberfest!

Posters and Pints

Posters and Pints is a yearly event that encompasses the art and beer of northeast. Artists and designers produce prints around a theme, that theme being beer. Beer is also servied, a lot of it. Your ticket brings with it unlimited beer sampling from local breweries from Northeast and beyond. There is some great art to see and buy, and the sand lot outback full stands of beer is the perfect backdrop to this early summer event.

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